Latest Past Events

Setting up a plant nursery

Unit 12, Orion Business Centre Surrey Canal Road, London

All welcome to help us get a plant nursery set up on our converted double-decker Herbs & Spaces bus! Please bring along any old newspapers and egg boxes / trays you have to spare.

the Big Half 2019

If you are running well done, if not let's support our runners on Sunday. Here are some names: Adam Alexander Amanda Carita Elliot Francesco Freddy Heather James Jeanne Jeric Liz Monika Paul Renata Toby Tomasz there are few others too We have an amazing trio this year: James, his daughter Heather and grandson Toby. Well […]

Let’s make the next planters

H&S Workshop Unit 12, Orion Business Centre, London

Let’s make one more planter in October and “wrap” 1 more trees. With the planters in place before winter we can focus on our other work during the cold months.